'Hey guys, This video is about Duplicate beauty products that I brought from the club factory. com. All the products are found to be up to the mark. In the meantime, I consulted a professional beautician she told me and i quote \" these are very good replicas of the original, It is impossible to tell the difference in the concealer but the eyeliner combo is a definite duplicate because of the packaging. It is clearly visible.\" Hope this information was helpful. I am leaving the links of the products down below Makeup mania velvet matte Nailpolish : https://www.clubfactory.com/product/7892381 MAC concealer: https://www.clubfactory.com/product/7522614 Mac eyeliner Combo: https://www.clubfactory.com/product/4495382 Follow me on: Instagram: @the.travel.freak_ Facebook name: Sheetal Dash official Email: [email protected] Check out the latest fashion blogs at https://thewardrobe.co.in/ With love Sheetal #FakeMACbeauty product #fakeculbfactorybeauty products #Clubfactorybeautyproducts #Macproductreveiw #fakeMACproductsreview'
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